Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Get a LIfe Bible Study Week 5

We’ve just finished week five of Get a Life by Vicki Courtney, and next week is our last week of this bible study. I hope you are enjoying this online bible study for women! I commend each of you for your diligence and dedication to complete your study. If you were sitting with me right now I would run over and give you BIG HUGS and KISSES.

Week 5 of this study is about debunking that myth of, “It’s all about Me!” This week’s lesson is critical to really understanding the abundant life. It is about loving God more than others, and more than ourselves. All I could picture when I read Day 1 was the seagulls from Finding Nemo. Do you remember them? Mine, Mine! Me, me, me…

Ladies, it is not all about us. When we choose to be followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to get rid of that notion. Elvis sang “I did it my Way” and as Vicki pointed out, we will be in a constant battle to our flesh to do it our way, but it should be His way. We also discussed that we are now no longer from this world, which at times can be difficult because raised to find a place and to fit in: the classroom, sports teams, work, and sometimes with our own family. Vicki suggested that we learn and memorize Romans 12:2.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.

We will struggle between our old self and our new self, but it is worth it to fight the battle. On page 80, Vicki made the comment, “God has equipped us with the power to say no to sin…Becoming a Christian removes the penalty for our sin but does not remove the consequences that stem from them.” This statement alone makes me cringe from sinning by choice or omission. We are a new creation!! We are Free!!

For Next Week
• Read Week Six in the workbook

Group Discussion- Answer one question or as many as you like

1. What characteristics of “old self” and “new self” do you struggle with?
2. Why is it important to be in the habit of confessing our sins to God?
3. Share a time when you chose Jesus over the world.
4. Share a favorite moment from this week’s study.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Get a Life Bible Study Week 4

It’s the fourth week of Get a Life by Vicki Courtney, and we are moving right along with learning things about ourselves and how to make some changes in our way of thinking. This week we studied Myth #4: Material possessions will lead to peace and purpose. We should all know that money does not buy happiness, but sometimes we lose sight of the real picture and fall back into this lie. We also took a look some other areas that we believe can make us happier, like a new job, a bigger house, a new husband, a different body, a different savings account, ….the list could go on and on with what we “think” might make us happier. The truth is if we are not able to be happy with the things that God has given us, then getting more of anything or sizing up to the next level will not make us truly happy either.
Our reading assignments touched on how our perceptions about what will make us happier stems from discontentment in our lives. We need to ask God to satisfy our discontentment with His truths. Align your thoughts with scripture and RUN if they do not line up. For those that have experienced the desire to look at other men or to replace your husband, Beth Moore gives a wonderful example of always keeping the cross between ourselves and anyone we engage with. Use the cross as a boundary for relationships; it is an extension and reflection of God’s heart. When the relationship does not align with the cross…FLEE… in Jesus name. This thought process can be used in many different scenarios and can save us much guilt or misery.
Satan is wise, craft, and single-minded. He wants us to miss living the abundant life. P64. Do as Vicki says, tell him, “Enough!” Instead of craving what the world has to offer, pray that you will crave the pure milk of God’s Word.

I just had to share these two pictures with you because they really do give a very telling story about how we are.

Is the grass really greener on the other side?

For Next Week
• Read Week Five in the workbook

Group Discussion- Answer one question or as many as you like
1. What areas in your life do you compare to others woman?
2. Share a time when you wanted to yell, “No fair God!”
3. Review page 59, did you find the actions of the landowner fair or unfair?
4. Have you ever wanted something, but hesitated to ask God because He might say no?
5. Review page 69, do you relate more to the lepers that returned to thanks Jesus, or more to the ones that failed to show gratitude?
6. What are you grateful for? Share a few; I know your lists will be long.
7. What should we be the most grateful for?
8. Share a favorite moment from this week’s study.