Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Get A Life Bible Study Week 3

Welcome back to Get a Life by Vicki Courtney. We are halfway through this study already! This week we learned about being caught up in the Rat Race or in God’s Race. Did you figure out which one you are in? We learned about being a contestant in the life’s race or a champion in it. Vicki laid out several descriptions of a champion week.

A Champion-
1. …..trains to win.
2. …..follows champions.
3. …..avoids burnout.
4. …..focuses on the finish line.

Go back over this list and insert your name into the beginning of each description. Does that sound like you? On p. 44, Vicki talks about the verse from The Message, 1 Corinthians 9:27: “I don’t know about you, but I’m running hard for the finish line. I’m giving it everything I’ve got. No sloppy living for me! I’m staying alert and in top condition. I’m not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.” It is so easy to talk about our plans, but doing them is a challenge to most of us. Stay focused, find your balance, spend daily time with God …and be a champion in training.

For Next Week
• Read Week Four in the workbook

Group Discussion- Answer one question or as many as you like

1. Is your life set at a “dine-in” or “to-go” pace?
2. Which verse on page 44 meant the most to you and why?
3. What does it take to be more of a Mary than a Martha and cultivate the habit of sitting at the feet of Jesus?
4. What part does prayer take in equipping us to run the race at God’s pace? When you think of Heaven, what comes to mind? Page 51
5. Share a favorite moment from this week’s study.


  1. Traci: My life is set on a to-go pace. But...I've found a way to slow down a bit. I'm on a TV fast - except for news, ESPN and of course NFL. In reviewing the contents of the new shows and even ones I had been watching - I found how 'unholy' most of them are or just plain disgusting. Who really wants to see a 500 pound man without his shirt on?! (Biggest Loser fyi) Some of you might have seen my post regarding Dancing With the Stars, and that really got me thinking about it. Being on the self-imposed fast has really given me more time. To do my bible study when I cannot do it in the morning, to read or to pray. I am not perfect in my Mary lifestyle yet, far from it. I've always said I don't watch much tv, but in realizing what I DO watch and how I just do not need it has given me a bit more peace. One of my favorite verses on page 44 is and always has been Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust is something that is so humanly difficult to practice, but vital in following God. We may not like or understand what is going on or what has happened, but we have to trust God through it. His plan is perfect no matter how we feel about it!

  2. Iam at a To Go Pace but Iam trying to slow it down,I just try different ways to make sure I send time with Him no schedule time I just take it when I can, the verse that meant the most to me on page 44 was Psalm 119:105 I was need him to guide me . When I think of Heaven I think of Peace.

  3. My book finally arrived so I'm playing catch-up.
    1. I'm definitely at a "to-go" pace even though I don't seem to be doing much productive. I feel like I'm just busy all the time.
    2. I love Proverbs 3:5-6. I have a hard time letting go of control and this is just another reminder that I don't need to know or understand everything, but rather trust in God.
    3. Personally, I think we need to be able to see beyond our human perspective sometimes in order to truly enjoy sitting at His feet. We get so caught up in life sometimes that even when we do make time to spend with God we are often doing so while being double-minded. If we try seeing beyond the sink full of dirty dishes or running late for soccer practice, I think we will be able to make that transition into being a Mary much easier.
    4.a)Prayer is essential to keep us on the right track. When we are at work we talk to our supervisor each day or, most likely, several times a day to make sure we are doing what needs to be done and reporting progress on things. What would work (life) be like if we didn't talk (pray) to our boss (God) daily? We would be wandering around aimlessly and trying to do what we thought was most important, but would be highly disappointed if we later found out that the company was really trying to accomplish something else.
    4.b)When I think of heaven I think of relief and excitement. I will be relieved that the things that have distracted me from focusing on God and what really matters are gone and excited that I get to spend eternity praising Him with the angels.

  4. Brenda- I am at a to-go pace with no slow down in sight. We are in "the season" at work so we are hiring and training new people, the extra responsibilities that go along with that, the busyness of life at home. It's the season I believe God has me in at this point. I heard something I thought was profound tonight. Instead of asking why God, I think I'm going to learn to ask what is it God? and then listen for Him to speak to me. Obviously, there is something He wants to grow within me so who am I to disallow it. Speak to me my Father, for your child longs to hear your words.

  5. Wow! This week really taught me a lot about what I'm struggling with. The line where Vicki talks about her "inability to say no" really hit me. This is me, this is my weakness. I'm always willing to give and serve BUT I'm allowing all of this service to take away my time sitting at His feet spending time with Him. One of the things that I'm learnning to do right now is to listen to what God wants me to do, not what others would like for me to do.

    I love the example Angie used compairing God to your boss. That is so true. We also want confirmation that what we're doing is right. How can we expect God to give that confimation or even help us at all if we don't put aside time for Him each day? I've learned that if we ask God what we should be doing, he'll reveal it to us and our "To Go" pace will slow down a bit.

    Another point that spoke to me during this lesson was where Vicki said that the service of God shouldn't take away from your time with Christ. In the working church that we have that's tough for a person like me who has a hard time saying "no". I want to help everywhere, especially when someone confronts me specifically, but we can't burn ourselves out and spread ourselves too thin. I think a lot of people in our church may be feeling the pressure of this and that's why I ask all of you today to pray for the growth of our church and our ministries. Ask God to lay it on someone's heart to step out of their comfort zone and volunteer a couple Sunday's a month, or even just one! Ask that God give those who are already volunteering to be bold and invite others to volunteer.

  6. My favorite verse on page 44 is "Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight." -Psalm 119:35.

    I want nothing more than to follow God's commands, so that I can do His perfect will. What could make me happier than to make God happy?

    I wonder at times how I can know what the right path is. As long as I am acting on God's Word and praying about everything, it should point me in the right direction, right? And if I take a wrong turn, I will be forgiven and I can start new everyday. Praise God!
