Sunday, October 13, 2013

Wonderstruck- Week 1

Welcome back to womens online Bible study as we study Wonderstruck by Margaret Feinberg.  Wow.... This past week has flow by, but even so, I am sure that each of us has seen the wonder of God.  Even through our pain or the pain of others, we looked for His mightiness and to see Him in our everyday lives.  Even in our busyness, we took time to slow down and see Him. 

On day four in the workbook, you created a list of 20 ways God revealed Himself through scripture and deeds.  If you are  not already  doing so, you may want to consider journaling His deeds, His blessings , or scripture that He has placed on your heart.  As we saw in scripture this would allow you to maintain a history of His deeds Recalling to share God’s deeds from generation to generation.  In my case, this list provides encouragement when needed. 

Enjoy this next week and be astonished by God and see Him in the details of your day.

For Next Week
Group Discussion- Answer one question or as many as you like
  1. When is the last time you encountered the wonder of God? (page 12 )
  2. What prevents you from living with the expectation that God wants to do awesome work in, through, and around you? (page 13 )
  3. When have you been amazed by God’s work in someone else’s life? (page 27
  4. What about in your own life?

Wonderstruck- Week 2

Welcome back to our womens online Bible study for week two of Wonderstruck by Margaret Feinberg. 

This week we spent time discovering the great I AM in the midst of trouble. This week is being listed a day late because I experienced the loss of one of my best friends, Sadie, my dog for the last 13 years.  I was amazed when the week started out by God letting me know through this study, that it was ok to come to Him and to grieve for her.  Wow! He is an amazing God to care that much that this week of study would be written and then used by us at the perfect time.   Margaret Feinberg offers us this truth:  ”God listens to our stinging words, embraces our frail hearts, and meets us where we are.”  Not everyone understands grief over the loss of a pet, but God says, "I do."  

We all have experienced events over the past months that taken our breath away?  Spend some  time this week and look at your own catastrophic events over the past 12 months.  Did you walk through the stages of grief Margaret mentions on page 35, or do you still have some work to do?  If you haven,t already taken the stress test discussed on day one, you still can.  It is great tool for judging your levels.  

I pray that you are all able to keep up with your study and are experiencing the wonder of God in a new way. 

For Next Week
  • Read Week Three in your book.
  • Listen to Video Session Three (optional due to cost)
Group Discussion- Answer one question or as many as you like
  1. Do you tend to focus on the Why or the Who in the midst of life’s challenges? (page 37 )
  2. In the past week, when have you been reminded of God’s presence in your life? (page 49 )
  3. When is the last time you encountered something in nature that nurtured your desire or appreciation for God? (page 53 ). This might be an easy one with the week we just had.