Sunday, October 13, 2013

Wonderstruck- Week 1

Welcome back to womens online Bible study as we study Wonderstruck by Margaret Feinberg.  Wow.... This past week has flow by, but even so, I am sure that each of us has seen the wonder of God.  Even through our pain or the pain of others, we looked for His mightiness and to see Him in our everyday lives.  Even in our busyness, we took time to slow down and see Him. 

On day four in the workbook, you created a list of 20 ways God revealed Himself through scripture and deeds.  If you are  not already  doing so, you may want to consider journaling His deeds, His blessings , or scripture that He has placed on your heart.  As we saw in scripture this would allow you to maintain a history of His deeds Recalling to share God’s deeds from generation to generation.  In my case, this list provides encouragement when needed. 

Enjoy this next week and be astonished by God and see Him in the details of your day.

For Next Week
Group Discussion- Answer one question or as many as you like
  1. When is the last time you encountered the wonder of God? (page 12 )
  2. What prevents you from living with the expectation that God wants to do awesome work in, through, and around you? (page 13 )
  3. When have you been amazed by God’s work in someone else’s life? (page 27
  4. What about in your own life?


  1. Last week I was at Garden Ridge and encountered a horrible display of racism from a very angry man toward a young black employee. When I left the store and was driving home I was so upset by what I saw and heard and was asking God how in the world He could love that man. How in the world He could stand to look doe on evil like that and show love. Immediately the Holy Spirit spoke into my heart, "Your sin is just as ugly as his and he doesn't even know me but you do." Wow. Talk about humbling. I see the wonder of God in that moment when in His great love He chooses to gently teach me and help me grow even more into the likeness of Christ. I am awestruck by his amazing love for a sinful person like me and all people on this earth.

  2. Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.

    Psalm 40:5
