I love how she pointed out that prayer is short. Granted, prayer will take on many timeframes and will fit the situation both lengthy and short, but I appreciated knowing that a quick short prayer is ok too. We saw how Jesus prayed alone, prayed for someone, or prayed in public. He did this not only where He was without preparing, but He also showed us that He prepared at other times by being alone on purpose or getting up early. I say this because we need to know that prayer should be simple, we do not need to stress to get it all right by over planning our conversation with God.
The pivotal point of the week for me was reading Jesus' prayers while on the cross. I literally cried when I really saw the wording of who He was directing His prayers too. On pages 100 and 101 Jesus prays to His father, to God, and finally to His father again. In the middle prayer He was separated from the relationship with His father as He took on our sin. I felt so humbled and saddened all at once by the depth of His love.
I challenge you to begin a prayer journal if you have not already done so. Take note of the conversations you have with God, and the answers you receive. Note the timeframes it takes for the answers, and maybe even note your feelings about the answers you get.
This Week
- Read Week Five in your book.
- Listen to Video Session Five (optional due to cost)
Group Discussion- Answer below or with your small group
- What helps you keep a steady rhythm in your prayer life? (page 87)
- When have you felt abandoned by God? How did you respond? (page 101)
- Do you ever just talk with your Abba?
- Of the 9 prayers by Jesus that was discussed, what challenges you the most about prayer life?
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